Resource Library
Explore parenting tips, community services, and training tools from reliable sources.
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Child-centered support to help families of children with disability or delay keep focused on their child's future. Their Help Line is available 24 hrs a day, seven days a week. Resources include parent education, training, events, workshops and webinars.
Families First is a private, non-profit agency serving families and children throughout Grant County. Because you are your child’s first teacher, you have a thrilling and demanding job. We can provide materials and support to ensure your child’s learning is a success.
Statewide listing of community resources. Call to receive personal recommendations based on individual or family needs.
Comprehensive list of Oregon Family resources. Search by topic.
Find local child care providers for children of all abilities.
Family Connects Malheur County provides Public Health Nurse home visits to families in Malheur County Oregon who are welcoming a new baby.
Evidence-based programming, information, and resources for raising children.
Family Services of Grant County partners with children, parents, families and communities to promote growth through high quality education and comprehensive health and social service networks.
Tips on challenging behavior and more. Click on Family Articles.
Parenting, family support and family activities in Hood River, Gilliam, Sherman, Wheeler, Wasco counties.
Providing all parents with access to high quality, proven parenting education programs that support them in their critical role as their children’s first and most important teachers;
Help Me Grow is a free information and referral line that connects families with children ages 0-5 to child development information and parenting resources in the community.